Thursday, August 16, 2007

eyes on my own page

man, i am tired today. i went to bed at almost 3 o'clock last night. i was up setting some boundaries with my nephew, chatting with a mama friend, and then reading for forever... i need to start getting my shit together. there is a birthday party up here this weekend and my house still has some issues that majorly need to be addressed. man, i am tired....

i need to run today, too. and take vitamins. and probably do my neti pot. after i go to the grocery store, finish the day's schooling, fold about ten loads of laundry, wrap n's presents, vacuum everything, make my bed, clean both bathrooms, empty all bunny litter boxes....uh, think i can get all that done before i pick baby s up from day care tomorrow at 1:30? i am so tired...


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