Monday, June 16, 2008

better without words

i saw this movie, august rush, and really liked it, but this was my favorite part. the whole movie was about this "thing" that is really hard to capture in, faith, belief....even in the face of adversity....hell, especially in the face of adversity. when you keep getting that look that says, "well, i think that's a terrible, impossible, stupid idea and i'm telling you so, so don't come crying to me...." which i admit to feeling when other people go chasing their dreams that i don't understand...

anyway...maybe it's the meditating, maybe it's the cold we're passing around, maybe it's that we've been pretty busy and trying to heal at the same time....but words just aren't working for me these days. which doesn't mean things are not going well...they're just not going...verbally.


Ken said...

When you recognize this state of consciousness and then you "wake up" and return to the normal. Ask yourself, am I meditating now...


earthmama said...

if it is all meditation, then i have to say that for now, i prefer the quieter times of meditation...where i'm actually aware of where my mind is or isn't. ;)

Ken said...

preference is attachment.

earthmama said...

well then isn't it healthier than i prefer (or feel attached to) a path that feels pretty new to me (as in not the cow trail i usually go down)?

Ken said...

Yes it is healthier, way healthier. On this subject there are many tiers of awareness. I am reluctant to add more for fear of suggesting a destination when in fact it is only a waypoint to somewhere else.

It is interesting to meet yourself coming back down from the trail and observing interdependant origination this is a technical term which really means the interpenetration of being.

So, am I meditating now?

earthmama said...

interdependant origination? interpenetration of being? you're either meditating or drinking...

these terms have to do with the fluidity of being? like your buddhist story you posted?