my robotics team attended their competition yesterday and did quite well. they placed in robot performance and research. it was a great experience for them, and i had a lot of fun, too. i was almost silly with the excitement of it all...
but today has been kind of a "coming down" we'll call it. there was a rule i misunderstood. and i bellied up and posted on the coach's group for clarification. i was directed to a forum that i knew about, and just didn't check before, where the clarification for that rule (and a lot of other rules we had been wondering about) was present. it's a frustrating moment to realize i could've coached them better if i would've stayed better informed and used all the avenues presented me... oh well. live and learn. and, as usual, there was A LOT of learning going on... (dying to type more self berate-ment, but willing myself to step away from the topic)
i don't know. sometimes it is just hard to do the right thing...and that may not prevent me from doing the right thing, but it does usually cause a fair amount of wailing and gnashing of teeth for some poor soul i am close to and comfortable enough to do it in front of...and that is something i have to work on. but how to channel all of that negative energy? or, i guess it doesn't even have to be negative...just all that damned energy that i have judged to be negative...where to start? changing the judgment?....
i know, i know...get my ass on the treadmill....
Just Keep Swimming...
4 days ago
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