do you...
ever try to be positive and then later think that maybe you were just encouraging dreams that are never going to happen?
ever try so hard to be yourself that you aren't sure who you are anymore?
ever look at your spouse and wonder who the hell that person is and why don't you know them?
ever wonder if the people who love you like you?
ever look at your children and think they are the most amazing people and that probably a stranger came in and parented them at night while you slept and that's how they turned out so much better than you could ever hope to be?
ever feel like crap but deep down convince yourself it's because you're a bad person?
ever tell someone who called you crying what's bothering you at the moment?
ever try to meditate only to end up dreaming you're having sex with a movie star?
ever set out to do work and never seem to get it done?
ever make it through a day only to realize you haven't done a whole hell of a lot? (ok, that's a lot like the previous one, i guess)
i'm not saying i've done these things...but i am saying that if i came across someone who had, i'd probably try to be pretty compassionate and maybe even give them a hug.
just saying...
Just Keep Swimming...
4 days ago
ever wonder what a brilliant person you are? yes, i do because you are...
thank you for that... <3
I agree with the above poster :) Honestly, I don't think I know anyone that is as insightful and deep thinking as you. You inspire me to learn more about myself :)
I agree with everyone else...
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